Section: Dissemination

Promoting scientific activities

Scientific events organisation

Valérie Monbet has co–organized the workshop and summer school on Data Science and Environment, held in Brest in July 2017. The conference gathered researchers that have an expertise in one of the two areas (data science, environmental data) and some interest for the other. Its main goal was to explore the fruitful interplay between the two areas, and ultimately to help create new connections and collaborations between the scientific communities involved. Another objective was to propose some high level courses and practices at the interaction of these two areas.

Participation in workshops, seminars, lectures, etc.

In addition to presentations with a publication in the proceedings, which are listed at the end of the document, members of ASPI have also given the following presentations.

Frédéric Cérou has given an invited talk on the convergence of adaptive multilevel splitting at the workshop Quasistationary Distributions: Analysis and Simulation held in Paderborn in September 2017.

Patrick Héas has presented his joint work with Mamadou Lamarana Diallo and Cédric Herzet (EPI FLUMINANCE, Inria Rennes–Bretagne Atlantique) on model reduction with “multi-space” prior information, at the European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH), held in Voss, Norway, in September 2017.

Thi Tuyet Trang Chau has presented her work on non parametric state–space model for missing–data imputation, at the workshop on Data Science and Environment, held in Brest in July 2017.

Research administration

François Le Gland is a member of the conseil d'UFR of the department of mathematics of université de Rennes 1. He is also a member of the conseil scientifique for the EDF/Inria scientific partnership.

Valérie Monbet is a member of both the comité de direction and the conseil of IRMAR (institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes, UMR 6625). She is also the deputy head of the department of mathematics of université de Rennes 1, where she is a member of both the conseil scientifique and the conseil d'UFR.